Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Challenge

Happy New Year, y'all! Hope your holiday season went spectacularly. Mine was...interesting, and the same must be said of 2013. Here's hoping that 2014 brings greater opportunities for everybody!

This year, I've decided to take on the daunting 365-Day Illustration challenge I've been seeing all over the internet in attempts to re-ignite my passion to draw on a regular basis (and in turn, list new Fidget Art! goodness once more). Also, I definitely need to hone my skills *cough*. Not planning on sticking to any specific theme, just gonna draw whatever I feel like at the time. Expect many a Dunmer, especially my OC, Andril to be drawn.
Day 1: Budgies! (Pencil on 5.5x8" paper) Sorry, the lighter detail shading has been lost in the scanning.